Roommate Matching
Once your contract has been accepted, you can find your own roommates and suitemates by comparing profiles with other Tropicana Gardens residents. To use this feature:
- Log in to MyTropAccount.
- Under the New Application/Contract tab or using the My Applications button, select your approved contract by building and term.
- Proceed to the Roommate Matching Description section at the top of the page.
- Set up your own Screen Name (for privacy reasons, we recommend using a nickname). Enter a short description of yourself that will be viewable by potential roommates. Useful profile details include:
- Where you are from
- What you plan to study in school (your intended major, where you want to transfer, etc.)
- The bedroom style you are interested in and your parents will pay for (single, double, triple, etc.)
- What you like to do in your free time
- What personality traits you have or are looking for in a roommate?
- Once your profile is set up, you can click Save and Continue at the bottom of the page to proceed to Roommate Groups.
- You may now search for roommates in a few ways in the Roommate Groups section:
- Join a Group: Do you know the name and password of a group? Simply click the Join Group link and use the name and password to join it!
- Search for a Group: You can use a group name or the Screen Name of someone in the group to search and request access to a group.
- Search for Roommates by Name: This option is helpful if you already know who you want to room with. You can enter the person’s Screen Name, or birth date and then click search to bring up the person’s profile.
- Search for Roommates by Profile Questions: This will show your compatibility based on only the fields you select, rather than your overall compatibility. To use this option, check off the boxes of the specific questions you want to look at and click search.
- Suggested Roommates: This option allows you to see your compatibility score with other students and read their profiles. (Just note that not everyone will have a completed profile)
When you are looking at profiles, please keep in mind you can find your roommates (for your bedroom) and suitemates for your suite. We highly recommend you confirm with your potential roommate(s) that you are all interested in selecting the same bedroom type (single, double, triple, quad or super saver) to avoid confusion in the room selection process. The first person to select a room will be able to pull their roommates (for their bedroom) into the room as long as there are enough spaces in the bedroom for everyone. You and your potential suitemates would need to coordinate your room selection to be in the same suite.
- Did you find a potential roommate, but still want to know more? Send your potential roommate a message by clicking Send Message below their name and details. It is a good idea to include a way for him or her to contact you again (email, Facebook, etc.). Useful questions for roommate matching include:
- How would your friends describe you?
- What do you want out of your college experience?
- What do you want to do with your life?
- When do you need to be left alone?
- Do you drink or smoke?
- What kind of music do you like?
- Are you a light or heavy sleeper?
- When you find a great match, you can add them to your Group if you are the leader, or Request to be added to their Group. You can find as many or as few roommates as you would like, but there are a limited number of spaces in your bedroom and suite. Students can only be a member of ONE group, so if you are a member of your own group, you will need to leave your group to join another. You can view your accepted and pending roommate requests on the Roommate Requests page.
- If you choose not to actively participate in the online roommate matching process, before move-in you will be assigned based on the highest compatibility with the remaining unmatched students.
**Note that students coming in for the Spring Semester Only will be assigned roommates based on the open spaces available.
Approximately 3 weeks prior to move-in, rooms will be released to our online Room Selection system in batches. You will be notified in the order that contracts were received. You’ll be able to “shop” for a room by clicking on Room Selection at the top of the page, under the Application/Contract tab. Anyone who does not select a specific room or roommate will be automatically allocated by Tropicana Student Housing, based on your preferences and the order your contract was received.